

Setup development#

  1. Install pdm package manager -

  2. Run pdm install to install dependencies

Run unit tests using pdm

$ pdm run test

Run integration tests (with real postgress) using pdm. Postgres in this case accessed via localhost.

$ docker-compose up -d postgres
$ pdm run test-pg-local
$ docker-compose down

Or you can use lets task runner to run unit + integration tests (all-on-one) in docker

$ lets test

Run linters, formatters and other checks

$ pdm run flake
$ pdm run black
$ pdm run mypy

Or you can run pdm check - it will reformat code, run linters and test in one command.

Build docs Docs will be available at docs/build

$ pdm run docs

Setup PDM with PyCharm#

Pdm supports two ways of dependency management: venv and pep582

PyCharm supports only venv way, so in case you want to use pep582 with __pypackages__ you need to setup it manually.

  1. Open PyCharm Settings -> Project Structure

  2. Mark __pypackages__ as Excluded

  3. Mark __pypackages__/<python_version>/lib both as Excluded (to exclude files from search) and Sources (to enable autocompletion)

Pdm also provides how-to guides on how to configure other IDE/editors


When developing, add notes to 0.x.xrcX section.

For example if we current version is 0.7.1 and we are woring on 0.7.2 we should create section 0.7.2rcX.

After we decided to release new version, we must rename 0.7.2rcX to 0.7.2.

Release process#

Hiku supports semver versioning.

  1. Update the version number in the hiku/ file.

  2. Update the changelog in the docs/changelog/changes_0X.rst file.

  3. Merge changes into master.

  4. Run lets release <version> -m ‘your release message’. This will create and push annotated tag. When new tag pushed, new release action on GitHub will publish new package to pypi.

Documentation release#

Documentation released on new commits in master.