Using GraphQL#


Hiku is a general-purpose library to expose data as a graph of linked nodes. And it is possible to implement GraphQL server using Hiku.

To implement GraphQL server we will have to add GraphQL introspection into our graph and to add GraphQL query execution process:

  • read GraphQL query

  • validate query against graph definition

  • execute query using Engine

  • denormalize result into simple data structure

  • serialize result and send back to the client

Graph Definition#

GraphQL schema may have several root object types for each operation type: query, mutation, subscription… Hiku has only one Root node to represent entry point into a graph. So, to implement mutations, we will need a second Root node, and second graph, which is identical to the query graph, except Root node:

query_graph = Graph([
        Field('value', String, value_func),

mutation_graph = Graph(query_graph.nodes + [
        Field('action', Boolean, action_func),



Fields with underscore-prefixed names are hidden in GraphQL introspection.

Incompatible with GraphQL types are represented as hiku.types.Any type.

Record data types are represented as interfaces and input objects with distinct prefixes. Given these data types:

graph = Graph([...], data_types={'Foo': Record[{'x': Integer}]})

You will see Foo data type via introspection as:

interface IFoo {
  x: Integer

input IOFoo {
  x: Integer

This is because Hiku’s data types universally can be used in field and option definitions, as long as they don’t have references to nodes.


In order to parse GraphQL queries you will need to install graphql-core library:

$ pip install graphql-core

There are two options:

  • read() simple queries, when only query operations are expected

  • read_operation(), when different operations are expected: queries, mutations, etc.


As every other query, GraphQL queries should be validated and errors can be sent back to the client:

from hiku.validate.query import validate

def handler(request):
    ... # read
    errors = validate(graph, query)
    if errors:
        return {'errors': [{'message': e} for e in errors]}
    ... # execute


Depending on operation type, you will execute query against one graph or another:

if op.type is OperationType.QUERY:
    result = engine.execute_query(query_graph, op.query)
elif op.type is OperationType.MUTATION:
    result = engine.execute_mutation(mutation_graph, op.query)
    return {'errors': [{'message': ('Unsupported operation type: {!r}'


Most common serialization format for GraphQL is JSON. But in order to serialize execution result into JSON, it should be denormalized, to replace references (possibly cyclic) with actual data:

from hiku.result import denormalize

def handler(request):
    ... # execute
    result = {'data': denormalize(graph, result)}
    return jsonify(result)

Query parsing cache#

Hiku uses graphql-core library to parse queries. But parsing same query again and again is a waste of resources and time.

Hiku provides a way to cache parsed queries. To enable it, you need to use QueryParseCache extensions.

endpoint = GraphQLEndpoint(
    Engine(SyncExecutor()), sync_graph,

Note than for cache to be effective, you need to separate query and variables, otherwise cache will be useless.

Query with inlined variables is bad for caching.

query User {
    user(id: 1) {
        photo(size: 50)

Query with separated variables is good for caching.

query User($id: ID!, $photoSize: Int) {
    user(id: $id) {
        photo(size: $photoSize)

    "id": 1,
    "photoSize": 50