
Hiku exposes several prometheus metrics.

Graph execution time metrics#

Shows the time spent in the graph execution for each Field or Link.

You can enable graph execution time metrics like this:

from hiku.telemetry import GraphMetrics
from hiku.graph import Graph, Field, Root

GRAPH = Graph([
        Field('value', String, value_func),

metrics = GraphMetrics('mobile', metric=mobile_graph_metrics)
GRAPH = metrics.visit(GRAPH)
  • mobile - is a graph label (in case you have multiple graphs in your app)

  • metric - is your custom Summary metric. If not provided, the default Summary(‘graph_field_time’) is used

Default metric:

    'Graph field time (seconds)',
    ['graph', 'node', 'field'],

Query cache metrics#

It is possible to enable query cache. That means that the same query will be parsed only once.

When query cache is enabled, the following metrics are exposed:

Gauge('hiku_query_cache_hits', 'Query cache hits')
Gauge('hiku_query_cache_misses', 'Query cache misses')