
Interfaces are a special types that other types can implement.

Interfaces are useful when you want to define a common set of fields.

In graphql you can use interfaces types like this:

interface Media {
    id: ID!
    duration: String!

type Audio implements Media {
    id: ID!
    duration: String!
    album: String!

type Video implements Media {
    id: ID!
    duration: String!
    thumbnailUrl: String!

type Query {
    search(text: String!): [Media!]!

In hiku you can define interface types like this:

from hiku.graph import Field, Interface
from hiku.types import ID, String,
from hiku.utils import empty_field

Interface('Media', [
    Field('id', ID, empty_field),
    Field('duration', String, empty_field),

Lets look at full example on how to use interfaces in hiku:

from hiku.graph import Field, Graph, Link, Node, Root, Interface
from hiku.types import ID, Integer, String, TypeRef, Sequence, Optional, InterfaceRef
from hiku.utils import empty_field

def search_resolver():
    return [
        (1, TypeRef['Audio']),
        (2, TypeRef['Video']),

interfaces = [
    Interface('Media', [
        Field('id', ID, empty_field),
        Field('duration', String, empty_field),

GRAPH = Graph([
    Node('Audio', [
        Field('id', ID, audio_fields_resolver),
        Field('duration', String, audio_fields_resolver),
        Field('album', String, audio_fields_resolver),
    ], implements=['Media']),
    Node('Video', [
        Field('id', ID, video_fields_resolver),
        Field('duration', String, video_fields_resolver),
        Field('thumbnailUrl', String, video_fields_resolver),
    ], implements=['Media']),
        Link('search', Sequence(UnionRef['Media']), search_resolver, requires=None),
], interfaces=interfaces)

Lets decode the example above:

  • Interface type is defined with a name and a list of fields that any implementation type must contain.

  • Audio and Video types implement Media interface - they have id and duration field because Media interface declares them, and in addition to those shared fields each type has its own fields.

  • Link type is defined with a return type of Sequence[InterfaceRef['Media']]

  • search_resolver returns a list of tuples with an id as a first tuple element and type as a second tuple element

  • note that interface fields does need to have a resolver function, but currently this function is not used by hiku engine so you can pass empty_field as a resolver function (it may change in the future)


InterfaceRef is a special type that is used to reference interface types. It is used in the example above to define the return type of the search link. TypeRef will not work in this case.

If we run this query:

query {
    search(text: "test") {
        ... on Audio {
        ... on Video {

As a result we will get a list of objects with __typename, id and duration fields and fields that are specific to the type of the object.

        '__typename': 'Audio',
        'id': 1,
        'duration': '1:20',
        'album': 'Cool album',
        '__typename': 'Video',
        'id': 2,
        'duration': '1:40',
        'thumbnailUrl': '',

Type narrowing#

Unlike other graphql implementations hiku supports type narrowing without __resolveType function. It is possible because hiku knows all possible types at the link resolution time.