
Union types are special types used to represent a value that could be one of types.


Unlike interfaces, unions do not define any common fields between types.

In graphql you can use union types like this:

type Audio {
    id: ID!
    duration: Int!

type Video {
    id: ID!
    thumbnailUrl: String!

union Media = Audio | Video

type Query {
    search(text: String!): [Media!]!

In hiku you can use union types like this:

from hiku.graph import Union

Union('Media', ['Audio', 'Video'])

Lets look at the full example on how to use unions in hiku:

from hiku.graph import Field, Graph, Link, Node, Root, Union
from hiku.types import ID, Integer, String, TypeRef, Sequence, Optional, UnionRef

def search_resolver():
    return [
        (1, TypeRef['Audio']),
        (2, TypeRef['Video']),

unions = [
    Union('Media', ['Audio', 'Video']),

GRAPH = Graph([
    Node('Audio', [
        Field('id', ID, audio_fields_resolver),
        Field('duration', Integer, audio_fields_resolver),
    Node('Video', [
        Field('id', ID, video_fields_resolver),
        Field('thumbnailUrl', String, video_fields_resolver),
        Link('search', Sequence(UnionRef['Media']), search_resolver, requires=None),
], unions=unions)

Lets look at the example above:

  • Union type is defined with a list of types that are part of the union - Union('Media', ['Audio', 'Video'])

  • Link type is defined with a return type of Sequence[UnionRef['Media']]

  • search_resolver returns a list of tuples with an id as a first tuple element and type as a second tuple element


UnionRef is a special type that is used to reference union types. It is used in the example above to define the return type of the search link.

Now lets look at the query:

query {
    search(text: "test") {
        ... on Audio {
        ... on Video {

As a result of the query above you will get a list of objects with __typename and id fields and fields that are specific to the type of the object.

        '__typename': 'Audio',
        'id': 1,
        'duration': 100,
        '__typename': 'Video',
        'id': 2,
        'thumbnailUrl': 'http://example.com/thumbnail.jpg',

Type narrowing#

Unlike other graphql implementations hiku supports type narrowing without __resolveType function. It is possible because hiku knows all possible types at the link resolution time.