
Extensions allow you to add custom functionality to your graph.

Extensions are classes that inherit from hiku.extensions.Extension.

Each extension has a set of methods that are called at different stages of graph processing.

Here are all the methods that can be implemented:

  • on_graph() - when endpoint is created and transformations applied to graph

  • on_dispatch() - when query is dispatched to the endpoint

  • on_parse() - when query string is parsed into ast

  • on_operation() - when query ast parsed into query Node

  • on_validate() - when query is validated

  • on_execute() - when query is executed by engine

Built-in extensions#

  • QueryParseCache - cache parsed graphql queries ast.

  • QueryTransformCache - cache transformed graphql ast into query Node.

  • QueryValidationCache - cache query validation.

  • QueryDepthValidator - validate query depth

  • PrometheusMetrics - wrapper around GraphMetrics visitor

  • PrometheusMetricsAsync - wrapper around AsyncGraphMetrics visitor

  • CustomContext - allows to pass custom context to the query execution

Writing extension#

from typing import Iterator

from hiku.extensions.base_extension import Extension
from hiku.context import ExecutionContext

class TimeItExtension(Extension):
    def on_execute(self, execution_context: ExecutionContext) -> Iterator[None]:
        start = time.perf_counter()
        print('Query execution took {:.3f} seconds'.format(time.perf_counter() - start))

endpoint = GraphqlEndpoint(engine, graph, extensions=[TimeItExtension()])